Only the former king cares about the old conservative system of government and you are trying to help him. Several mages banded together and formed a new alliance with their own rules. The Holy Realm endures a civil war within itself. They are pumped into your city, change their appearance, are equipped with buffs. We added heroes that are well compatible with each other on the field, “special” heroes separated from simple, varied spellsĪs before, the gameplay has 6 different classes for each race – three magic classes and three heroes with limited skills – warriors. I’m glad the devs finally managed to balance the races.

We have the choice between 6 races that everyone knows: Wizards, the Alliance of Light, Necropolis (greatly changed in gameplay and strength), Tribes, Scavengers and Shadows. The original version of Heroes of Might and Magic 7 includes all-new voiceovers for the heroes, unique abilities that didn’t exist before, and the classic look of your city that you improve every time you enter it again. The whole series has undergone a significant number of changes, so in this part you should pay attention to every detail.

IN Might & Magic Heroes VII Added things like a third person view and a beautiful world around our wizard The genre of the game has changed a bit and has become both an RPG and a third-person RPG. This series of turn-based strategies once became a cult game for weak computers, and after that everyone was waiting for the sequel.